Last week I released my new collection, Viewpoint. Over the last few months I have taken the focus back to cityscapes, and have loved creating some of the most iconic and greatest cities in the world.

London is high up there and is, of course, home [or close to], and for that reason I have such a passion to paint it. Included in this collection are four London pieces; one nightscape of the majestic St Paul’s Cathedral glowing against the night sky, two of London’s stunning skyline, and one depicting one of my all time favourite spots in London - the busy intersection of Whitehall and Trafalgar Square. This area gives me the perfect opportunity to capture the essence of London with its passing red buses and milling tourists under the watchful eye of Nelson’s big cats, not to mention the view of Big Ben in the distance.

As always, text inclusion is part of the makeup of each piece so expect to find plenty of word play or suitable puns within the compositions. For example, in London panoramic "Rise and Shine", there's a newspaper cutting which is very much a 'double entendre': “Read all about it! But for how much longer?” - the past tense of ‘read’ being pronounced ‘red’ (one of the predominant colours of the piece), but also a reminder of how difficult it would be to create my artwork if newspapers were to go paperless!

New York is another obvious choice for a great city, and I included two NYC cityscapes in this collection, one to star the iconic structure that is Brooklyn Bridge, and the other to show off the busy streets and avenues of Manhattan. Depicting the bustling streets alive with colour and movement, in contrast to the sleeping giants that tower above, works so well for my mixed media collage style! I feel I can really go to town with the whacky collage inclusions and it still makes sense.

Finally, we have Paris, another one of the greats! This piece for the collection makes me truly happy. Happy that I didn’t screw up Le Tour d’Eiffel, but more importantly happy from memories of summers in Paris perusing the boulevards and back streets, or soaking up the ambiance from a table outside a Café. Based on a view from Avenue Suffren, near to the famous tower, I like being able to include the café culture in my Parisian pieces – so integral to life out there - together with the odd classic French banger!
I hope you love these new pieces, and, as always, thank you for the support. To view [and to purchase] all seven pieces in the collection, click the link here.