About Quay To Happiness
The Best of British at the beautiful Quay in 'Padstein'. Tom says: "We all love to be beside the quayside...especially when that quayside belongs to Padstow! Who doesn't love a mooch around one of Cornwall's most popular coastal towns with an ice cream in one hand and the other free to fight off the swooping seagulls. Or perhaps a spot of lunch a one of Rick Stein's many establishments? This piece hopefully evokes all the favourite ingredients of a great British holiday - a quaint harbour, sun sparkled water, seagull squawks and the smell of fish and chips in the salty air...and will bring back fond memories of relaxation and happy times with the family. "
About Tom Butler
"Being challenged daily and discovering new and exciting ways of pushing boundaries keeps me motivated. My mixed media landscapes have something to say, which I like to express with collage and typography."
Butler creates this narrative with an expert use of characterisation; the people that occupy his scenes, a stylised representation of society that has often been compared to L.S. Lowry, are complemented and modernised with Butler’s collages.His inclusion of newspaper text, slogans, statements or a single word, adds a depth and intrigue that keeps the audience hooked.This murmur from the artist, a quiet commentary accompanying the scene itself can be likened to the hum of the city, the gentle chatter of a metropolis. With this, Butler brings an essence of the City onto our walls and into our homes.
More about Tom Butler

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Place your piece and enjoy. We find positioning out of direct sunlight best.
With love, Tom
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